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Jeg har arbejdet sammen med PK Medier gennem det seneste år, hvor de har lavet vores hjemmeside og stået for vores SEO strategi og eksekvering…

Vi har haft fornøjelsen af at samarbejde med PK medier, og jeg må sige, at de har overgået mine forventninger. Peter, som er en ekspert i sit felt…

Jeg får en super service og har fået en del kunder via den hjælp, jeg har fået indtil nu. De ved virkelig, hvad de har med at gøre hos PK Medier…

Resultater og super service Et helt igennem resultatorienteret forløb, med enormt professionelle og servicemindede medarbejdere…

Challenge us with your dreams of the perfect wine room. Contact us now and let us turn your vision into reality!
We work In the whole world
Our Unique Design
Our innovative design approach, where the shelf forms the silhouette of a wine bottle, adds a
unique character and look to the wine shelf. This common thread throughout all our designs
creates a recognisable signature style that stands out and that you can only find with us. The
unique and well considered design concept not only provides a beautifully appealing
appearance, but also manages to convey a connection to the core of the product – in this
case, wine.
This shows how our design philosophy creates a unique range of furniture that
stands out with Danish design. We have great enthusiasm for the use of brass and for fine details in our designs. Brass is an essential component in many of our wine racks and storage solutions. Examples include a brass base shaped like either a burgundy cup or a champagne glass. The addition of brass to our racks helps to enhance their luxurious character.